How Instagram decides which ads to show you
We want to show you ads from businesses that are interesting and relevant to you. These are some examples of information we could use to show you ads:
  • Your activity on Instagram. For example, you might see ads based on the people you follow and/or posts you like. If you have linked your Instagram and Facebook accounts, your activity on Facebook may also affect your ads on Instagram.
  • The content of the posts you make or interact with on Instagram and Facebook.
  • Your information and interests on Facebook, if you have a Facebook account.
  • Your activity on third-party websites and apps you use.
  • Information provided by businesses outside of Instagram or Meta technologies. Advertisers, their partners and our marketing partners may share information with us that they already have, like your email address.
See why we're showing you an ad
  1. Tap in the top right of the ad.
  2. Tap Why you're seeing this ad.
  3. If available, tap next to the reason why you're seeing an ad to view more information.
  • We don't share information that personally identifies you (information such as your name or email address that by itself can be used to contact you or identifies who you are) unless you give us permission. To learn more about the information Meta receives and how we use it, visit our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy.
  • We use information you provide us, actions you've taken on our platforms and actions you've taken on other websites, apps or in stores that those third-party companies have shared.
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